The Path | Teen Ink

The Path

December 19, 2013
By winter22 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
winter22 BRONZE, West Melbourne, Florida
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There was a day in the summer
It was warm, with a breeze
I had gone to the park that day, but had forgotten my shoes
I remember sitting in a yard,
Making bouquets out of common flowers
There was a path next to that yard,
Black and on a sunny day it would sparkle under my flip-flops
Traveled so many times, my escape
No matter how many years passed, how I changed,
The path would stay the same
I met new friends, lost old friends,
I traveled the path all the same
I knew a girl who lived just off that path
We traveled it together many times
It turns out that the path was leading to her all along

The author's comments:
When I moved away from my best friend, I wrote this poem about the path that connected my house to hers.

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