The Gun | Teen Ink

The Gun

December 13, 2013
By smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can all ways find a simle in your day

The gun
The piston
The pistion is loded
She picks the gun up
She has the phone in one hand and the gun in the other
She dials
The number
No one answeres
She says good bye they here the gun shot
the bang
Its like a huge tree falling down in the middle of the woods no one hears or caes to call it in
She leaves a note sorry I couldn't take it anymore
She sees the freinds that she had
The blast nooks her into a wall
They do nothing
They are scared
They dont do anything
She is that tree that everyone sees and goes right over
They steep over
They know it is there but they dont care
They dont move that fallen tre no one wants to do any thing with it
No one wants to touch it
No one wants to move it

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