Suicide | Teen Ink


December 10, 2013
By smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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You can all ways find a simle in your day

It is not a thing that you joke about
It is something really serious
I think of suicide
I think every day and know this is true that I should have never been born
I call you
You don’t pick up
No one picks up
No one wants me in this world
No one could have stopped me
that was the only place that I felt that I belonged
There was no other place that I wanted to be
Death is dark
No one is there I am all by myself
I came here of my own accord
Death is so quiet
I will never see the people that are important to me ever again
That is Death for you
and suicide is when you want to be dead
You are floating
You are not being understood
You want people to understand you but they don't
So you kill yourself
You are like a beaten animal and they hit you every day over and over again
No one can relate to you
you are that beaten animal that needs help
You whine and whine for help
they throw you out to die
you are that animal in a ditch and you watch people walk by you all day
All you want is someone to stop and pick you up
You are scared to pick me up because you think I will bite
No you are so wrong I just want help just like any other person in this cruel world

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