Used to Be | Teen Ink

Used to Be

November 19, 2013
By Kylie Cline BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
Kylie Cline BRONZE, Central Point, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The clock read 1:30 A.M as I laid in my bed and prayed.
Prayed for the pain and loss to go away, to disappear,
But I was forsaken for the pain remained.
I tried to remember why I was awake, but no sound had entered my ear.
I should hear the streets outside, yet still no sound entered my ear.
I looked out my window, only to see a gruesome figure appear.

It was a bird of some kind, but it appeared to be blind,
for where its eyes had once been there were two holes.
But there was more! Parts of its feather coat were missing.
Maybe it had once been a dove but its feathers now are as dark as coals,
And the holes where its eyes had been were also like two dark coals
And its feet had become curved like bowls

I yelled out in a fright, for it was a gruesome sight!
Even though both of its eyes were missing I still felt as if it could see me.
Why is this bird here? I thought trying to make it clear.
Although my brain tried to adhere, how my situation was queer!
However my mind was off of Lee and the pain was gone again how queer.
But as soon as I thought the name I felt again the loss of Lee.

“ Are you lost like Odyssues was at sea?” I asked to humor me
“ Used to be” the bird answered to my great awe.
And then he gave a gruesome smirk, he knew that i had heard.
And then that creature that likes to lurk, tapped against my window his claw.
No horror ever imagined could be compared to mine at the sound of his claw.
And he continued to smirk, as though he was without a flaw.

“ Are you a bird?” I asked acting absurd.
“ Used to be” the devilish creature answered a second time.
“ Go away!” I yelled “ You are not a resident here!”
“ Used to be” And I saw the scar. shaped like an L, the size of a dime.
But as I stared I realized it was now bigger than it had been before, even though once it had been the size of a dime
I Kept staring with dread at the bird who remained

“ Do you go by the name of Lee?” Oh dear, What had gotten into me?
“ He I used to be.”
My precious Lee, who had been blinded before death overtook him.
“ And now you're alive?” Hope overtook me.
“ Used to be.” and Lee took one fatal step towards me.
Any hope or sanity I had left died with Lee.

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