Good Bye | Teen Ink

Good Bye

November 21, 2013
By smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
smexylesbain GOLD, Provo, Utah
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can all ways find a simle in your day

I hate good bye's
I have had to say this a lot
They really suck
You say good bye when some one leaves
You say good bye when some one dies
I hate saying good bye
You can't just say see you later
That is what I said to Holly
And now she is gone
It really sucks
I hate it
I hate that good byes have made me really depressed
I miss Landon
I miss ang
I miss my aunt
I miss Holly!
When you say good bye there will always be tears
No matter what there will always be tears
Even when you know they will come back
You never want to say good bye
I never want to say good bye again
Some times good byes are good
But most of the time they are bad
Most good byes are normaly said when some one dies
No one will say good bye to me they will say good ridens!

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