The Best Day (Poem 100) | Teen Ink

The Best Day (Poem 100)

November 21, 2013
By Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
Darkblade_County SILVER, Ft. Huachuca, Arizona
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The loneliest people are the kindest, the saddest smile the brightest, and the most damaged are the wisest all because they do not wish to see others suffer as they do."

At first I thought,
today would be bland,
but then my phone,
rang instead.

My heart leaped,
when i read it was you,
I was shaking so bad,
and that's the truth.

I met you at that parking lot,
to your house we walked,
I was shy,
but your family made it easy.

We then went,
To Starbucks coffee shop,
we played Taboo,
and I beat you.

When we got back,
you played some guitar,
you played beautifully,
I was sad when it stopped.

We then hung,
around at the park,
we stayed there,
until it started to get dark.

You walked me home,
and we said goodbye,
I smell like coffee,
but I don't mind.

Now I'm starting,
to like the smell.

You really made me feel special today,
this really was the best day,
my favorite part,
was you playing guitar.

I love the passion,
I saw from you,
it was special,
to watch you.

This was truly,
the best day ever.

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