The battle | Teen Ink

The battle

November 21, 2013
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Favorite Quote:
"don't let anyone defy you, let your poetry defy you as a person."

Many emotions run deep, like the water in a sink, so confused, my heart so bruised, I have nothing to loose. Everything lost, like the moisture from a cloth, just tired of all the pain, the hate runs through my veins, my emotions I just hide, you'll never know how much I cry, unless you look into my eyes, you'll see everything I hide, inside... It's all too much, too much to let s*** go, I've learned to keep my mouth closed so when I'm asked I just don't know, don't know why I am so bitter, why I can't even consider, personal relations with a man, my feelings fated, there's many reasons why, I hide behind these eyes, I saw way too much an yes it was all tough, thinking how she let this slide, an she wonders why I cry, i hate who I've become, all this pain weighs a ton, I'm tired of carrying this burden, my heart an soul is hurting, I'm reaching out for help, in silence, but I think who can I tell? I already told my mom, she did nothing, love is gone, between us. I'm still just hurting an wondering why I deserved this, it hurts to know wha happened an she did nothing to take in action, the person I trusted most, just dismissed It, an never spoke, so I wonder wha would happen, If I told about that night? Would it free me forever or just keep me fighting this endless fight?

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