7/1/13 | Teen Ink


November 14, 2013
By roshaniesadhu GOLD, Schenectady, New York
roshaniesadhu GOLD, Schenectady, New York
14 articles 0 photos 4 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;Be the chance you wish to see in the world&quot;<br /> ~Mahatma Gandhi

Dearest Mother Nature,
You're the most powerful and divine being to ever come into existence.
You are caring and kind to all your children.
So tolerant of our mischief you are.
You have the tenacity to forgive us and liberate us from ourselves.
You unleash the storms of your greatest torment upon us.
With ambitious waters that beat down on us, you reveal your agonizing grief and heal the wounds we inflict on ourselves.
Your heart is tender, Mother, but your mind is strong.
You try to stop our ignorance with your mighty will.
We abuse you slowly with our human obsessions; our greed, hate, violence, our pain.
Mother, I understand your fixations.
I ask for your guidance.
Help your children.
We need you to cleanse us of our impurities.
Take us in your bosom and kindle us with the amorous flame of your love.
Make us pure with your grace.
Let those who stray know their place is here with you.
Only in your ambiance can we truly be loved.
Let your emanating beauty enthrall those who have blinded themselves.
Let them see you are the one and only savior.
Let them know that their artificial delusions are what makes the world suffer.
Advise them to be chaste and we shall be a balanced union of your peace and glory.
Make us follow your example, Mother.
Let us bathe in the light of your affection.
Destroy those hallucinations.
Bring us your revelation and set free our souls so we may join you.
From you we came,
And even if we stray,
To you we return,
With no delay.

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