Through My Eyes | Teen Ink

Through My Eyes

November 6, 2013
By RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a menu, whatever and whoever you order is going to be delivered to your table.

I remember step dad #2 being abusive
To the woman who brought his last baby girl into the world
Eventually she left with a broken finger and her only son running behind her
Who knew it was only the beginning?

Who was step dad #1? How did he treat her? Why did she leave?
Did he just slid in and then slipped out?
Well, whatever happened, baby sister #1 was born
In an intensive labor, baby sister #1 pushed her to push harder
Who knew that, that was the beginning of baby sister #1 pushing her to the edge?

Then came step dad #3.
The perfect gentleman and a role model
He treated her like the queen that she is
But the depth of the ocean laid him to rest
Her heart then sunk and washed away in the waves
But was this the end or was it just the beginning?

And poverty, are what step dad #4 brought to the table
After he carved himself into her life
She left but went back
Left but went back again
Is this the end or is it just the beginning?

Let it be the end of her being abused
The end of her pain
The end of her broken heart
The end of her going back
The end of her efforts and perseverance being sabotaged
Let it be the end of her being scared
And the end of step dad #4

Then let it be the beginning of her being treated like the hardworking woman that she is
The beginning of her heart being healed
The beginning of her not trusting so easily
And the beginning of her raising the bar
While setting up a wall to her heart
After this is said and done
The end will be the end
And her new beginning will commence

The author's comments:
I'm the eldest of 3 for my mom. While growing up I saw all that took place in her relationships, both good and bad. In this poem I laid out what took place and how I wish she could be treated *sigh*. These experiences with her has made me realize that women are often taken for granted and I wish it could all end.

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