Father not Dad | Teen Ink

Father not Dad

November 6, 2013
By RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
RamoneRowe BRONZE, Bronx, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is a menu, whatever and whoever you order is going to be delivered to your table.

You used to be my mirror
With every look I'd see me being you
You used to be the one that asked me
"Are you okay?" for every second that I spent with you
You used to make me smile and the other kids jealous
When you would lift me up and put me on your shoulders
You used to call me on my cell
Just to ask me how was school
But then you jumped into another dimension
Leaving me standing there
Watching and waiting for you to come back
But you didn't
And there was no connection
No more back rides
No more carrying me on your shoulders
No more random visits
No more asking me if I'm okay
And no more dad

You deployed yourself from being a dad
To just being a father
I enjoyed and appreciate the memories we created in my early childhood days
But that's not enough
Not even close to being enough
And it's often times over looked
Because you've pushed me into a hole
A hole that is slowly closing
A hole that seals my mouth when it comes to me expressing myself
And a hole that requires me to be a man in order to get out
But how can I be a man if you never stayed to show me how to?
So I guess I'm stuck in this hole, huh?
Thanks a lot
But guess what?
My mom pulled me out
She pulled me out just in time
Just in time for me to realize what it really means to be a man
A man who won't leave no matter the circumstances
A man who understands and appreciates women
A man who will go the extra mile to make everything right
And most of all
A better man than you'll ever be

But through all of this
I still love you, father
And I know you'll be boasting
That your son is in college
But what you don't know is that
He's in college boasting as well...
Boasting that his mom is his dad
Now I've said what I had to
And I wish you all the best, father.

The author's comments:
I am the only child for my father but it's like I don't have a father. My mom has become my dad.

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