What is love? | Teen Ink

What is love?

October 27, 2013
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"don't let anyone defy you, let your poetry defy you as a person."

Love.. Such a complicated word, like my life, simply complicated, love, at first so pure. Then as you live in love, is when your unsure.. Thinking if the good out-weighs the bad,thinking of all the memories you once had, all those memories simply faded, vanished, you think how can you manage with such impurity by yourself, your heart swells like a welp, the hard swallows an deep wells, full of cold piercing water. The sun so much hotter, waking up by your lonesome no one beside you to share, or say I love you to, you still don't have a clue, how to face so much impurity, so much un-clarity by your lonesome, the tears hide behind your eyes, as you rise like the sun, the sheets that once clung to your hips an your thighs, so much as a goodbye from someone you once loved, it's time to go, but yet Your still stuck, in the past that is no longer the present, you fear an glare into the future, with no man, no man beside you to greet you an say hi to , you feel lost, but you find the cloth, that was lost, that belonged.. To that man, that you once loved way above anyone else, other than yourself, your heart melts, as you crumble to the floor, your bones so sore, you just scream an cry, no more tears wipe your eyes, you look at the rising sun, to have become whom you've become, is the beginning of one, that one is you.

The author's comments:
Emotion is what inspired me to write my poetry

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This article has 1 comment.

deirdre said...
on Nov. 1 2013 at 12:13 pm
Awesome job keke!!