Just Utopia... | Teen Ink

Just Utopia...

September 29, 2013
By Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
Makichan SILVER, São Paulo, Other
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sitting still,
Sitting in my desk,
As still as a statue,
As hard as a stone.

As breezes fill the warm air,
Nature surrounds me,
Nature calls me.
The warming sun loosens my bones,
And I leap,
I run,
I’m free;
I climb up trees,
I dance with the flowers;
The sun starts to set,
It is now the violet hour;
As I lay on the soft grass to watch the spectacle,
I yawn and stretch,
My eyelids drooping,
And I give in to my tiredness.

I open my eyes and look around,
Still in my desk,
Realizing it was just a dream,

Just utopia…

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