The Broken Heart | Teen Ink

The Broken Heart

September 24, 2013
By Shelebrate BRONZE, Clinton, Utah
Shelebrate BRONZE, Clinton, Utah
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
There is no such thing as Impossible, the word itself says I'm possible.

She was a girl with a broken heart, yet she did not cry for a boy, she did not cry because of a kiss, or the holding of hands, no she cried for the memories, yet again, not the memories of a boy, but the memories of the friends. The friends who were stuck like glue, the friends who always knew. The friends she never doubted, the friends who never shouted. The friends who thought forever, until they were severed. Different ways and different places, different emotions, different people, different heartaches and different heartbreaks, different lives and different stories. Different memories she was not a part of, and different friends she did not know. Yet, she was always there, to pick up the pieces of their shattered hearts, to wipe away their tears with open arms. But who was there to pick up her pieces? To wipe away her lonely tears? Only the memories, the memories of the friends that once were and the friends that still are.

The author's comments:
So here's the back story to this poem, in junior high, I found the best group of friends I could ever find. Ever. When High School rolled around, all my friends were in the boundaries for one high school, me in another. It's like a month into school, and we have lost touch so much. I used to cry every night because I missed them so was really depressing actually.

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