the war in my heart | Teen Ink

the war in my heart

September 18, 2013
By viviantuyle GOLD, Phoenix, Oregon
viviantuyle GOLD, Phoenix, Oregon
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“My thoughts are stars I cannot fathom into constellations.” ― John Green, The Fault in Our Stars

everytime I think of you,
my thoughts breeze in and
bitterly drive me closer to the
split corner of the canyon,
until I threaten to fall in the depths of
the delicate lake named Eros

everytime I think of you,
the iron lock on my restrained heart
rusts and corrodes as if you
are my oxygen and I can’t help
but breathe you in just so I
won’t plunge into sadness

everytime I think of you,
I pinch myself with a scorpion's tail
so that the serrated point called reality
can kill off the corrupt notion of hope
that lurks in the dark alleyway of my mind.

everytime I think of you,
a minor rebellious side of my defeated chest
fights acceptance with denial and I can’t help
but wish that my denial will hold out

everytime I think of you,
I get nearer to surrendering
to the bleak, desolate war called love
and all I can do,
is turn my back and walk away

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