9/11 remember | Teen Ink

9/11 remember

September 12, 2013
By iwishihadjessysgirl BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
iwishihadjessysgirl BRONZE, Lehigh Acres, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

o sweet twin towers,
once big and tall you stood,
now you are nothing but ash and rubble,
as for we used to look at you,
and now you are no more,
as hero's gave their life to get people you crumbled,
as planes crashed you stood unaware,
as for you and the people we remember this day for you,
the twin towers,
and you the less known pentagon,
and the people harmed,
as we have this day of remembrance for as 9/11 was the day,
we now remember.

The author's comments:
i was inspired by 9/11 to write this poem.

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