Random Autobiography | Teen Ink

Random Autobiography

July 4, 2013
By LauraLemon BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
LauraLemon BRONZE, Hong Kong, Other
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” ― Oscar Wilde

I was born on a fresh summer day,
the day that was freshest of them all.
I was so pale that I reflected light
and I also had little hair.
I longed to swim with dolphins
but fed a baby tiger instead.
I was a speech festival winner
but a math Olympics loser.

I’ve always wanted to chase butterflies
Or submerge myself
in endless stretches of fields.
I’ve always wanted to be
carefree and connected
to nature.
But alas
I never had the opportunity
for I call the concrete jungle
My Home.

I love the way
butter melts in your mouth.
The salty zest of creaminess
drives me nuts.
I love the way jellybeans
bring me anticipation,
or how Nutella feels
against my tongue.
I am
a junk food lover.

At school,
I was distinct.
Few people would near me
at first.
My mind was different.
But I guess
we all grew up.
We learned to accept.
At school,
I’ve been fed opinions
about two governments—
I’m confused.
I have seen protests,
protests every month.
Protests to the government,
Protests about freedom,
About national education,
About liability,
human rights,
About China.

I remember how it felt
(and I still am)
to be liking
that special someone.
To be asked to a dance,
Or on a date.
The guilty pleasure of vanity,
Oh that, I remember
as clear as day.
I’m a born idealist
With huge dreams.
Dreams of making a difference.
Dreams of change.
It can’t all be true
But I try.
I try to make it happen.

The author's comments:
This poem is inspired by an anonymous random autobiography.

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