Salvation? | Teen Ink


July 5, 2013
By lala19971 BRONZE, Fulton, Maryland
lala19971 BRONZE, Fulton, Maryland
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

let me tell you a secret
sadness ceases to leave this lone soul
death swarms around the long neck chocking
what little is left with this wretched body
bloodied tears stain her face
salvation? no tis not the key
yet the sun still shimmers upon the large sea
the rooster yells out a new morning
the caterpillar breaks out from its chains
salvation cannot be
when lies plunder the truth into nothing
when desire takes control of basic instinct
the caterpillar breaks free
yet the chains that hold society
blur morality
The eagle fly's to her nest knowing that sleep must come and day has gone
she senses difference
Yet society is held back with her iron chain
not fighting yet laying upon the cold hard ground
that does nothing but keep her from falling in oblivion...

The author's comments:
Walking upon blindly being shaped by the unknown force

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