Searching To Be Taught | Teen Ink

Searching To Be Taught

June 23, 2013
By JosephineLila BRONZE, Bovina, New York
JosephineLila BRONZE, Bovina, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
It is our choices... that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. <br /> - J.K. Rowling

Young we, whom search the world to be wise,
disappoint ourselves in what we know not.
Searching for wisdom through self-shielded eyes,
Tunneling vision to those whom have sought
to learn such a lesson, for which can't be taught.

But such people as these, whom have learnt to be wise,
were not taught so from books or from teachers at all.
They have lived their life fully, and conquered their prize.
They were not taught, but learned to learn when they fall.
They learnt from their failures, no matter how small.

Wisdom is not knowledge, a thing that is taught.
A thing that is passed on from one to another.
Wisdom is found when you find what you've sought
only in yourself, and not in some other
Whom tries to find wisdom in neighbor and brother.

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