Moving Mountains Mighty | Teen Ink

Moving Mountains Mighty

June 12, 2013
By Philosopherpoet DIAMOND, Happy Valley, Oregon
Philosopherpoet DIAMOND, Happy Valley, Oregon
50 articles 0 photos 0 comments

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"An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind". -Mohandas K. Gandhi

Moving Mountains Mighty

With the weary welken wailing,
Every force was fighting,
Yet the fighting force was failing,
A struggle not exciting.

The mountain merely mocking,
Staying still and staring,
Base was never blocking,
Never need nor caring.

Coward’s calls are crooning,
My missing might makes moaning,
And I am left to groaning.
I am self-marooning

Mountain maintaining measure,
I made no more of moving
I sought no sinful treasure,
Nothing still for proving.

No need for mountains moving,
No need for valour proving,
Wakeful welken welcomes,
Sudden soaking showers.

Wisdom waking wonder.
Sky shines such sun,
No need to rip asunder,
Mountains. I am done.

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