My big purple family truck | Teen Ink

My big purple family truck

June 10, 2013
By kailae9314 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
kailae9314 BRONZE, Wilsonville, Oregon
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Marriage is about love not gender"

My family is like a big purple truck
My sister Sam is the body of the truck: slim and sexy on the outside but a she devil under the hood
My grandma is the windows: she may be invisible sometimes but she still keeps the rain and sadness out
My sister DeeDee bug on the window: she may be messy but she always makes you laugh
My brother Kenny is the locks: he’ll keep you safe but don’t count on him cleaning anything up
My mom is the engine: she may take a rest sometimes but she always keeps us running strong
I am the floor mats: everybody walks all over me but I still manage to stay clean.

The author's comments:
i was inspired to write this piece by my mom because she was talking about our "disfunctional" family and so this came to my mind.

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