Ashamed | Teen Ink


June 3, 2013
By mariah.LB BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
mariah.LB BRONZE, Springfield, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Shallow waters don't help me sleep,
Shallow waters portrayed me to be weak.
Shallow waters didn't save me I'm drowning in the sea.
Shallow waters didn't make me, the just taught me to be discreet.
Lies, don't faze me making me think I see light.
Lies please, don't twist me making me believe I was right.
Lies didn't help me know I was bright.
Lies only helped me get through the night.
But night soon turns to morning
That's when the sun beams.
That's when I wake up
That's when I can see.
I want the sun to come back out.
"Sun I beg you, PLEASE DON'T SHINE ON ME!"
My head hangs down, I say I'm sorry once again,
Sleep can't help me I'm drowning in my sin.
My father grabs my chin
And tilts my head up high
He looks down into my sorrowful soul
And ask "why are those tears forming in your eyes?"
I decided to tell him,
so I unfolded my fears my lies;
My deceit, my cries,
my past and my crimes
He smiles at me and says "Child you are not to blame, you were born with temptation in this world it's a lose or win game. You are perfect the way you are, there's no reason to be tamed, behave Now keep your head up be brave, don't be scared, don't be ashamed."

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