The Thief's Conscious poem: Torn | Teen Ink

The Thief's Conscious poem: Torn

May 14, 2013
By AnnaMusic BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
AnnaMusic BRONZE, Columbia, Missouri
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I’m torn.
I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place.
I don’t want to tell my family because then they’ll hate me.
I don’t want to quit because my one and only really good friend will hate me.

I’m torn.
What do I say to please both sides?
What side do I choose?

I’m torn.
What will the rest of the community say?
When they found out that some of their prized possessions are gone.
Jane will want the publicity.
She’s become the real thief.
I only planned it.

I’m torn.
What can I do to back out of this?
Say no.
Well, that would make some happy.
What about my friends?
What will they say?

I’m torn.
The only thing that keeps us from getting into houses is a lock on the doors.
But that doesn’t stop us no.
It just provides some safety for everyone to know they’re safe.
A simple bobby pin.
That’s what opens the doors.
The gateway to fame.

I’m torn.
I want to turn from the gateway,
But I can’t.
I was happy before I started this.
Now I want to end it.
I want to be known,
But I want to be known for something good,
Like in academics.

I’m torn.
I swore to myself millions of times that this would end before I in got too deep.
I’m now in too deep.
What do I do?

I’m torn.
I want to tell someone to get this monkey off my back.
But I can’t.
Not unless if I want to be turned over to the police who have been looking for months.
Not that I can tell you in the right places.
Look in the right places and the answers are plain to see.

I’m torn.
Not for long.
I want to say no,
But can’t find the words to express myself.
I say to myself, it will be over soon.
As if my mother was there rocking me during a storm,
Trying to comfort me.

I’m torn.
I’m tired of this seemingly endless job.
All it does is hurts me further.
The money is great,
But it will only get you so far.
No one knows the secret life I have.
My name shouldn’t be Lady because of it.

I’m torn.
But not anymore.
I quit last night.
The police found us.
Lurking about the shadows like ghosts.
They caught us too.
Just before that,
I told Jane.
I quit.

I’m torn.
I’m through.
Nothing is going to stop me from returning any of the items we took.
The ones that were sold, they’re gone.
Nothing is going to get them back.

I’m torn.
I gave it up.
Jane isn’t talking to me,
But that doesn’t stop me from living my life how it should be lived.
Now I’m known for being the academic star I should be.
I’m happy and nothing is going to change that.
Nothing at all.

The author's comments:
This poem will appear next to the article "The Thief's Conscious"

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This article has 1 comment.

on May. 20 2013 at 5:34 pm
writingriver05 SILVER, Boise, Idaho
8 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Reach for the moon, even if you miss you'll land amongst the stars."

first of all WOW! and seond of all you made the right choice