R.I.P | Teen Ink


April 26, 2013
By SANTOZ BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
SANTOZ BRONZE, Chicago, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
ignorance is bliss

All it took was going by the hood
To meet a guy like C-lowz that understood
We grew closer as time went by
I never thought our friendship would die
Memories of you my sister, and I busting out, even taking tokes
While you had us rolling with tall jokes
You weren’t cheap; the last of your worries was doe
Always snapping with the j’s that surfaced your toes
You were always down for whatever
And if needed was around whenever
You liked to drink and drive
Not expecting to hit a cars hive
You lied after your first accident claiming you learned your lesson
Because now you got us all in a deep depression
To my family you were seen as a brother
Even though we were raised by different mothers
You should of slowed down and watch your steer
Because we all want you back and need you here
You made our days by just being you
Always putting smiles on our faces too
And I’ll never forget that I could go to you with big problems or even just a minor pain in my tummy
And now I’m writing this in your memory rest in peace Carlos Lomeli

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