Knife In My Heart | Teen Ink

Knife In My Heart

April 30, 2013
By BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
BrutalityWriter SILVER, Wheatland, Wyoming
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I'm happier when I'm happy. Why not be happy? :)

Days come and go,
But you?
You’re in my heart like the blood that flows,
My screams?
You should hear them,
But my heart’s candle for you is getting dim,
Wax going around the rim,
Just like us,
Going in circles playing our game,
And you,
With all your high school fame,
I stand here and will remain,
Until you notice, or even talk to me,
Just a brush of our skin,
Causes static to run up my arm,
For us to date,
What will be the harm?
Until the day you end my strife,
I trudge on through this lifeless dead world,
Will you please finally end my strife?
In my heart,
Just stick the knife.

The author's comments:
This pretty much talks about how high school dating games.

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