Dreams or Nightmares? | Teen Ink

Dreams or Nightmares?

April 10, 2013
By EricOMG BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
EricOMG BRONZE, Oshkosh, Wisconsin
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Live well, love much, laugh often."
"Live as a myth, die as a legend."

Five years ago,
I walked these empty streets of Oshkosh.
Ear bud headphones in and various slow sad mood
songs by my favorite artists I look up to.
Chase Coy,
Stephen Jerzak,
Of Mice & Men and some Red Hot Chili Peppers.
My nostrils taking in the smell of the watered down
grass as it lightly rained.
The solid grey skies that surround this town
give the reflection of my eyes a glare of loneliness.
Where are dreams born?
I have dreams, why aren't I pursing them?
Many countless questions speed through my brain
as I inhale and exhale on this chilly spring Tuesday.
The walk continued.
This is only a tiny portion of my life wasted.
I can’t live like this forever.
A teardrop or two fell, but it happens.
There’s so much to be happy about,
but why is this body
I am walking in feel so empty?
Inhaling and exhaling again.
Questions are always left unanswered.
Today I still walk the same streets.
The small frown I still wear and
the same smell of the green grass.
What if this entire time I've just been
chasing a nightmare?
Every day is a step closer.
A step closer to something I have yet
to discover.

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