Striving for Greatness | Teen Ink

Striving for Greatness

April 4, 2013
By Teddy16 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
Teddy16 SILVER, Cannon Falls, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

10 years of legacy

Rookies strained to the point of crumbling

New seniors ready to step up one last time

Old rookies now experienced veterans

All hoping to fit their new piece into the puzzle

The goal is within grasp

Passing seconds till the beginning

Peaking at the ocean of people

Suddenly it all speeds into fast-forward

The roar of the crowd causing

adrenaline to burn through the veins of

30 dancers all exploding into motion

Precise calculated moves executed in mere seconds

Racing to make the hook that will lead to

kicks striving for the sky

Smiling through the exhaustion and

picturing in their heads that we are getting stronger

Teammates cheering each other on

through the pounding beat of the song

Feeling the people along the line all gasping for air

Putting the last ounce of their will all into that final kick

leaving their power and strength on that floor

Knowing they left no doubt in anyone’s mind

This isn't striving for greatness

We are greatness

The author's comments:
My dance team won high kick state and i wanted to describe how dancing makes me feel.

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