I Wish.. | Teen Ink

I Wish..

April 5, 2013
By Mariahisalover95 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
Mariahisalover95 BRONZE, Littleton, Colorado
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"May your past be the sound, of your feet upon the ground, carry on."

I wish our world could live in peace. I wish there wasn't things such as war and violence and things that make the world turn a little slower. Could you imagine how different life would be? I wish our society didn't revolve around money and politics. I wish I had more confidence. I wish I could walk in to a classroom without worrying about what people think of me. I wish I lived in a nice house, way up in the majestic mountains, overlooking the beauty of life. I wish it was easier to move on from somebody you let hold your heart and they broke it.I wish I still had a dad. I wish there was medicine that can instantly mend a broken heart, but chocolate works too. I wish life didn't have to be so complicated, with so many rules and setbacks and fear. I wish..

The author's comments:
My wishlist.

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