Come Back For Me Stallion | Teen Ink

Come Back For Me Stallion

April 5, 2013
By MacyF BRONZE, Malolos, Other
MacyF BRONZE, Malolos, Other
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Life is a road where you're supposed to make mistakes and stand up again.

I know that a poem isn't the way to communicate,
To a lost little stallion released by fate.
Many times I would wonder how it would have been,
If that stallion could come back and I would give a grin.

For today no more smiles can escape from my lips,
For that lost stallion still has me in his grips.
He chose someone over me, that's without a doubt,
But my question still lingers at the corners of my mouth.

There are no words to describe it,
That feeling doubt.
If my lost little stallion has headed south.

Some nights I would cry myself to sleep,
For i still fear that my stallion might be in a pinch.
I know that i should set him free,
That stallion fate has separated from me.

Come back for me stallion,
Let us ride away.
To a land where nothing can separate us,
Not even night or day.

Let me be free little stallion,
From the sad memory,
Of the happiness we once shared,
Before you went to flee.

Let the fire in my soul, burn once again,
Let the ice in my heart be blown by the wind.
As your mane is blown back, by the freedom at hand.
Let me be released, from the ropes in which I'm bound.

Let me chase after you,
And let ride into sun.
Come back for me stallion,
Don't leave me for anyone...

The author's comments:
I don't know if you like it. But, I would like to dedicate this to a friend of mine that has left me and tortured my soul for a very long time.

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