The Fire Demons | Teen Ink

The Fire Demons

February 22, 2013
By DrepaniXIII BRONZE, Lynnfield, Massachusetts
DrepaniXIII BRONZE, Lynnfield, Massachusetts
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I reject your reality, and substitute my own! - Adam Savage

Soft red flames whisper to me
From the ashen fireplace.
Tantalizing is the smoke,
A thick heavy perfume.

Those soft red flames
Dance in the fireplace of brick,
Like demons eternally trapped in a fiery hell,
Twisting and curling and whipping around,
Licking the gate that keeps them trapped,
Never to rage amok, again.

For all that is left of the house, you see,
Is the ashen fireplace bare.
Nothing else surrounds,
The warm fireplace strong.
The demons took it all.
The house, the dog, the cat,
The brother, the sister,
The mother, the father.
Nothing is left,
But those few lone demons,
Who cannot leave the fireplace.

For they were trapped,
As evidence for The Lord,
That these few evil demons
Killed a family so quickly.

Because it was none other than the brother and the sister
Who trapped those few flames
In the fireplace bare.

The family, you see,
Has gone to heaven now,
To be judged by Saint Peter
At the Pearly Gates.

And I am the lone angel,
Sent all the way down here,
To collect evidence for the trial,
Up in heaven.

But the demons whisper to me,
Their words soft and sweet.
And I succumb to their lullabies,
And say the fire died,
In that lonely fireplace bare.

And the brother and sister look crestfallen,
All their hard work gone to waste.

But now I have
A lovely little secret
The demons gave to me
Because I succumbed
To those soft lullabies
And your house is up next.....

The author's comments:
A little something I wrote on a whim. Does involve religious beliefs. No hate (please!)

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