Leave Me Alone | Teen Ink

Leave Me Alone

January 23, 2013
By dragonslayer41861 SILVER, Sacramento, California
dragonslayer41861 SILVER, Sacramento, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Build bridges instead of walls and you will have a friend." - Anonymous

You talk and joke at my expense,
You think you know all about me,
You act like I'm the dirt under your feet,

Stop your talking and joking,
Stop thinking you know who I am,
Stop feeling as if you're better than me,

I have my own reasons for what I do,
I am much more than you care to see,
I am just as good as you think you are,

You don't know what I've been through,
You have no idea where I've been,
You don't know where I'm going,

Let me be,
Just leave me alone,
I am not here for you,
I am here only for me.

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