Winter Is My Enemy | Teen Ink

Winter Is My Enemy

January 28, 2013
By Rachel Prescott BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
Rachel Prescott BRONZE, Covington, Louisiana
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Winter is my Enemy but
Summer is my friend

Winter chills my bones at night and seems to have no end
They make me want my companion back my long lost seasonal friend

Summer is my favorite time, and the best time of the year
Time for the beach, tanned skin,and sea salt in my hair

Summer comes around for only just two months
But for those two months everyone and everything is happy if even for just once

Everyone's skin may be darker but everyone's mood is happy and bright
While winter brings the cold and has me grasping for warmth with all my might

The bad thing about summer as that it leaves you wanting more
Like an ice cream cone or a warm bath it really never bores

Like the day you feel on top of the world as you leave that weary school door

Summer is a time to lose or find yourself
To laugh and love and take in all the feelings that are felt

But he only bad thing about summer, is when is comes to and end
And in that moment I realize that the horrible confrontation of me and my worst enemy will come once again

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