The Swing-set Lasted | Teen Ink

The Swing-set Lasted

January 21, 2013
By Englishnerd09 BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
Englishnerd09 BRONZE, Lexington, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The swing-set, so loved by youth,
Sat and swung on.
The green grass had made for a sturdy stand,
And provided a happy scene.
But the swing-set, so used by youth,
Had grown old and started fading.
Perhaps after all this use, the grass had called
but one swing home.

It's remains, like a surfacing coffin,
Still revealed through the grass that claimed it.
So strange, the swing-set lasted for
another day, a week, month.
The swing-set lasted year another day with no
Noticeable loss, of love, or of use.
And the old swing, no longer a swing,
Remained. The swing-set lasted for another day.

The author's comments:
Hidden Message poem, do you know what it is?

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