Second Chance | Teen Ink

Second Chance

January 13, 2013
By Haleyv BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
Haleyv BRONZE, Cincinnati, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
You fail to recognize that it matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be!

Running you hit the wall.
The dogs close in,
your eyes fill with fear.
Crying for help you back into corner.
Nobody comes,
your alone.
The dogs attack,
Their eyes as dark as a cooled ember from fiery hell,
You fall, feeling all the pain you've suffered in life.
One final scream of agony comes from you,
releasing all the sorrow and regret.
The world goes black and you see no more.
Eyes opening you see a light and feel warmth.
Standing up you walk away, healed.
The dogs are gone and the path is clear.
You've been given a second chance.
Take it.

The author's comments:
I wrote this particular poem when when I had been in a large fight with my friends and was having a rough time with school. I hope that people will understand that you can always work for a second chance. I did and my life is much better. I have my friends back and have been successful in my endeavors even if I wasn't the first time.

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