The sun in my sky | Teen Ink

The sun in my sky

January 11, 2013
By Anonymous

He was lost like a birds song in the wind
He had taken all the beauty away from the world and left it painted grey
He gave me energy and excitement
But now I'm standing here lifeless
He was the reason worth living
He was the reason to try

Acid pours through my heart
Each time i think of him
burning holes and leaving scars
Forever engraved his name
I'll try to cover it up
But it's there for everyone to see
He was why i kept giving
He was the sun in my sky

He turned to walk away
Left me crumpled on the floor
The night comes to engulf me
I can survive no more
My heart has given up
My body begins to fail
He was the reason worth living
He was the reason to try
He was why i kept giving
He was the sun in my sky

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