home is where the heart is | Teen Ink

home is where the heart is

January 10, 2013
By nick surovec BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
nick surovec BRONZE, Clarkston, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Stepping out on to the warming ice
I’m located at my second home
The sweet smell of that smelly hockey equipment
It is all apart of the feeling of being at home

The sounds of skate blades digging into the hard ice
is like the sound of biting into a fresh crisp apple.
The colorful white boards out the corner of your eye
As you skate by.
The delightful feeling of the cold air nipping at your face as you skate.

The sound of the occasional whistle being blown and the ringing it
causes to your ears
The faint sound of proud yelling of the parents and other spectators
Yelling of your coach who is your guide, teacher, and head of your
second family.
Bam. Pow. Bodies trying to crash into other bodies.
The rattling of the glass being shook due to the crashing
Crashing of the boards sounding like thunder inside the rink

Yelling of your coach who is your guide, teacher, and head of your
second family.

Warming feeling of being with your family members in your home
Ups and downs you go through
Always there for you
Happy warming secure feeling

This is the game of hockey
My life
My home.

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