Sable Girl | Teen Ink

Sable Girl

December 12, 2012
By KennyD1st BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
KennyD1st BRONZE, Baton Rouge, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Fear No One Respect Everyone

Happy and up beat now
she barks, whines, and barks
some more when she's ready

Is she hungry or is she happy
The world will never know
the feeling of my best friend.

Her body wanting to play all day
and her head wanting to be fed.
Tell me what you want girl.

Her friends talking to her all night
back and forth across the fence.
I get jealous time to time wanting to know.

We go visit with her friends at the
park a lot and I try to fit in but it doesn’t
work. My dreams are crushed and hopeless

All of these years and all of these dogs.
My time wasted on a unachievable goal
that would be the perfect ending.

My breath hissing and my snuffling head
draining water from my pupils. I hear multiple
voices from my backyard.

And for a second only my blood is still
I walk out side and a breath of relief, I hear
my dogs voice for the first time

My dream fulfilled and my wish granted

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