December Night | Teen Ink

December Night

December 13, 2012
By mario.martinez45 SILVER, Thonrton, Colorado
mario.martinez45 SILVER, Thonrton, Colorado
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

We walk around
We smile and chat
Such a perfect sound

Get in the car
Rosy cheeks and numb hands
Strap in we’re gonna go far

We pull in at home
A song comes on
You stare at me
Say, “We’re not alone,
You’ve got me and I’ve got you”
This night’s too young
So we sing our song
The night’s so blue

Let’s drive away
Let’s keep this moment awake
Sleep comes later
But for now it’s you and me
And these empty streets
This night forever stored
Deep inside
We’ll have four years
Or forever, maybe, even more

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