Invisible Cage | Teen Ink

Invisible Cage

December 8, 2012
By A.McGrath SILVER, Zurich, Other
A.McGrath SILVER, Zurich, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.”
- Leonard Bernstein

I can't get past them.
They're cold, hard, unyielding.
They hold me in.

They trap me,
Confine me,
Imprison me in this cell.

My body is bent,
Crammed into this cage,
From which I cannot escape.

All I want is for someone
To reach a hand through the bars,
And wipe a tear of my cheek,
Tell me it will be okay.

But the bars are invisible to them,
And no one thinks to try and get me out,
Because they don't see my cage.

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