Upon the Outside | Teen Ink

Upon the Outside

December 8, 2012
By A.McGrath SILVER, Zurich, Other
A.McGrath SILVER, Zurich, Other
9 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“To achieve great things, two things are needed; a plan, and not quite enough time.”
- Leonard Bernstein

I see you walking by with her,
And yes, you look good together,
She's beautiful with raven locks,
And you're as prince-like as ever.

But on the inside, you don't match,
Her cold beside your warmth,
She's smothering your smiling heart,
Changing sun for storm.

You could have anyone at all,
Someone kind and true,
Who treats you like the golden sun,
That shines inside of you.

Why satisfy yourself with her,
Who has looks but little else?
Who doesn't really care at all,
Except about herself.

I, my friend, would care for you,
Already I do now,
But you have eyes only for her,
That look upon your brow.

I know you do not want me,
The way that you want her,
But do not disregard me,
Though I may be shyer.

You do not have to love me,
It's fine, I can accept,
That my strengths are rarely seen,
For they're hidden in my heart.

So look upon the outside,
If that’s all you want to see,
But know now that you have lost,
A special friend in me.

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