Resentment | Teen Ink


December 3, 2012
By ReecySmooches BRONZE, Hyattsville, Maryland
ReecySmooches BRONZE, Hyattsville, Maryland
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Too weird to live, too rare to die.

I hate the fact that you lied.
I hate when my eyes are misty,
And everyone knows I’ve cried.
I hate when they ask what happened to us
And where you went.
Now I’ve got to cover up your mistakes
And omit the time we spent.
Amnesia of the heart
And absent minded.
I walk around in a daze,
As if I’ve been blinded.

I miss you,
But shhh… No one is supposed to know.
I been with you through everything,
But now where am I supposed to go?
What’s my new path?
I’ve come to this fork in the road.
Could never have imagined,
That all the options I once had would be narrowed.
It’s crazy how things change in a matter of minutes.
And even though I feel so lost,
I believe I’m strong enough to conquer this
(inhale) *fingers crossed*

The author's comments:
This poem is about moving on from a past relationship, while desperately trying not to look back, although the wounds are still fresh.

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