Pain is No Game | Teen Ink

Pain is No Game

November 15, 2012
By Ann Fava Peters BRONZE, Oxford, Ms, Mississippi
Ann Fava Peters BRONZE, Oxford, Ms, Mississippi
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Pain is lame
I feel pain when the softball is mis-aimed
DANG! it is a pain to write this poem
It is a pain to figure out how to have fame
To be plain is no pain
Plain is cool an not a drool
Pain is like I've gone sky-diving with out a parachute
Pain is as hard to avoid as school
Pain hurts, it hurts bad
but once you get older you get tougher and less pain
there are many types of pain
there is physical and mental
and some you'll never get over

The author's comments:
I didn't think of this as a topic i drew out of a bag at school and i enjoyed writing everything!!!

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