Lullabye | Teen Ink


September 23, 2012
By Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.&rdquo;<br /> ― John Lennon

The perfect gift to me just the way you are,
A new aged child from a distantStarr.
It feels so good just to be
so close to your love. You are the best gift to me.

You are not what you have done, your soul is lovely it’s just the way you are.
You’re my love. You’re myStarr.i'll wish on you where ever you are.
There's so much you have done. And so much to do, I promise I will never stop loving you so much to wish, so much you will see, You are the best gift to me.

Even when you fall from the sky, I will be there to catch you.
So I will teach you to fly.
Carry me on your wings, turn into bird and fly us far far away
There is beautiful places, I know its hard to see, you are the best gift to me

Gift to me just the way you are,
A new aged child always in my heart.
There's so much in life but for you no way to be free.
And so much to see. You are the best gift to me.

New aged child blessed with a golden heart
Blessed with golden wings, and theStarrs on your side
Lets run lets hide, or we couldStary warm inside
What you ever decide, take me; you are the best gift to me.

Fly away, or shoot across theStarrs, land in arms, whatever you are.
New aged child,Starrt a new life with me
There's so much in life for you to see,
And so much to be. You are the best gift to me.

The author's comments:
I sing this to the kids i babysit

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