Dream | Teen Ink


September 23, 2012
By Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.&rdquo;<br /> ― John Lennon

Last night I woke from having a strange dream.
I stood looking at a humans reflection.
I thought it was me, but that wasn't all, you see.
You see, it wasn't me, couldn't be.
I looked for perfection,
This human in the reflection, wasn't used to my now accustom to my careless rejection.

The human held it's hand to the mirror
Then the answer couldn't be any clearer
It was my greatest fear... it was me perfected.
It was me as a doll.
The mirror began to fall.
Me as my once wanted to be perfected was now resurrected.

Behind the mirror it was.
A land of only mirrors.
In each was another version of me
I realized no matter how much i wanted my soul to be free...
I still wanted to be a more perfect me.

I found the doll at the end of the hall.
Pointing, just pointing, away from me, I followed where it wanted me to be and wanted me to see.
It was always me. All this time searching for perfection, was the me in this reflection.
This reflection wasn't the resurrection. And it wasn't perfection.
I am me, this is to be, no comparison, i wasn't an embarrassment.

When i looked at the other perfection reflections, i realized, the all looked the same.
The doll went over and put a rag over the reflections of the perfections, then me.
When she pulled the rags off one by one. And i saw the poison...
Each Perfection Reflection, was crying, some even dying...

Mine showed no crying, no dying, mine showed me.
My spirit set free...
But there was definitely no perfection in this reflection.
Just me...
As perfect as i an gonna be...
Just me, outsmarted by my night dream...

The author's comments:
True Story :)

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