Moving On | Teen Ink

Moving On

September 23, 2012
By Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.&rdquo;<br /> ― John Lennon

Things in life aren't fair.
Things happen.
Time moves on.
If we don't move with the present,
It will move on without us.

If Time moves on without us, we are alone in every sense of the word.
We are alone with our suffering
We are alone with our event
When we are alone with the event we can't move on from it will destroy us.
And because even you can't last in sorrow forever.

If we are in sorrow forever, our time on earth will drag.
Dragging us forcibly behind it alone.
While we are being dragged with our event, we still aren't over it, we must look at ourselves and say it out loud.
Then when we lie to ourselves, we can no longer do this.
When we say to ourselves, and say it to the present, we cant gain the time back, but we can truly try to catch up... But first we need to know when it's time to move on.

The author's comments:
The worst time in my life so far came and went. i didnt think it would ever end

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