I'm Listening | Teen Ink

I'm Listening

September 23, 2012
By Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.&rdquo;<br /> ― John Lennon

Lay your cards down on the table
There's too much you cant handle
Pour your drink down the sink
And wait for me on the bridge

You start talking, my mind starts walking
As i wait for my turn to debate
You talk fast like your words would be late
But i am locked here in a silent state

I know i am young and nieve but still
There is a human will
It's just me and its you
But it's like you don't have a clue that i am listening to you.

If you wont let a word out
I will be forced to shout
A louder shout then your tedious pout
I bet you don't even remember what about

Just because i don't agree doesn't mean i am not listening
To you my thoughts are just me whistling
Just me saying your wrong
But you have been singing the same old song...

The author's comments:
To the person in my life who missed my cries for help when i destroyed everything

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