Because the Air is Getting Colder | Teen Ink

Because the Air is Getting Colder

September 15, 2012
By Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
Intrepidnzx GOLD, East Syracuse, New York
14 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
&ldquo;A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.&rdquo;<br /> ― John Lennon

Talk to me
Because the air is getting colder.
And we kids are getting older.
No more wings to set us free
When the air gets colder.
The kids get older...

So before our wings fall off
We must run and play rough
Our hair blows in the wind and nip our nose
Our feet dyed green from grass at the toes
Before the air gets colder,
We can’t just stop getting older

My wings are blue how about you?
They’re red? Don't stay in bed
Because the air is getting colder, and my soul is getting bolder
Hold onto the child’s wings
Because after that we sing...

Because the air is getting colder!
And the kids they all get older!
With the wind!
They lose their wings!

Because when the snow does fall
We won’t know at all
Where our wings went
Our childhood was spent
On cold air...

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