That Golden Light | Teen Ink

That Golden Light

March 12, 2012
By fighterwriter BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
fighterwriter BRONZE, Potomac, Maryland
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The most wasted of all days is one without laughter. ~E.E.Cummings ☮ ♥ ♫

There's that golden light again.

You know,

It's that point that the sun reaches in the sky, reflecting off a special light. A light that caresses the trees and the houses and the world or at least just that one scene in a dazzling blanket of gold. That golden light.

It makes one see the world in a different way. It can make any form of ugly into something of unexplainable beauty.

And that golden light. It lives inside each of us. And when we emit that golden light of our own, we can change the world.

The fiery sun burning in each of our hearts can reach out and enwrap a person, and object, a moment in our very own golden light, changing them for the better.

That golden light.

It shines in our eyes as it shines from the sun. Our flaming hearts drink it up and bring it on to others.

But only if you recognize it, will things truly change.

That golden light.

That infinite light.

That beautiful light.

It is us.

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