Remember When? | Teen Ink

Remember When?

February 25, 2012
By taybaker BRONZE, Milpitas, California
taybaker BRONZE, Milpitas, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Remember when we were slaves?
Remember when we were whipped?
Remember when we were treated like dirt and kicked?
Remember when we were segregated?
Remember when we couldn’t get educated?
Remember when we got discriminated?
Well now we’re free.
Now we can see ourselves for what we were meant to be.
Now we can do whatever we want,
Without having to worry about haunt.
Now we have the freedom to learn,
Without facing any concern.
Now we don’t have to worry about being abused,
Because now we aren’t used.
Now we have the chance to become winners when we were once losers.

The author's comments:
For Black History Month

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