I am ? | Teen Ink

I am ?

July 2, 2011
By LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
LostinMusic SILVER, Los Lunas, New Mexico
6 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Every end always has a new beginning...<br /> Imagination always wins...

It is a gentle breeze in the air,
A melody beyond compare
A secret you wish not to share
A lover that has shown no fear

Do you know what is?
Of course not its ours not mine or yours
It travels around the world
brings spirit and courage
but only for a second is it heard
before its light fades in the
approaching night.

Guessed it yet,
dear me you must known!
O well here's the last of my
bantering mind,

You see your hearing it, reading it, and imaging it
Its in your everyday life and your soul

Hello there I art to a degree
I am music, words, and most of all I am


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