The Two Best Teachers | Teen Ink

The Two Best Teachers

July 12, 2011
By MolMol GOLD, Sweet Springs, Missouri
MolMol GOLD, Sweet Springs, Missouri
12 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Your past is your past and you can\'t change it, but you can use it to change your future.

As you probably know you are known for the smiles
That sometimes can go on for miles
Whether it be you signature grin
That makes us all laugh from with in
Or the silly umbrella that leads the way
Just to insure we’ll never go astray

You push us to succeed
You make a way for all of us to lead
You always have our back

You never tell us what we lack
You make sure the vision you see
Is shown by all we can be

You maybe known for the silly grin
That has made us all laugh from within
But Einstein was known for his hair
Do you think he cared
True greatness is found inside
And yours can never hide

* * *

You came to us three years ago
But we never knew the seed you would sew
The advice you gave
The moments you saved
Will be with us forever

To some you might just be Fenner
We, we are the true winners
For to us you have been there
And showed us how much you truly care
And that will be with us forever

In the years to come
We’ll look back, and unlike some
We’ll see the memories then we’ll smile
Because you took time to make them worth while
And that will be with us forever

With two teachers like you
There is no way we can ask who
You are the reason we are so great
Even if were running just a tad bit late
You show your love for us all
You make us proud to be able call
Sweet Springs The Best FFA Chapter of them all!!
So as we say goodbye
You’ll find a tear in our eye
The lessons you taught
Is worth so much more than what can be bought
For the time you spent
You’ll never know what it meant
For the Senior Officers of 2011
We all truly love and appreciate the work you do.
And we could never thank you enough

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